getalldata - Hush 3.10.0 RPC

getalldata "datatype transactiontype "

This function only returns information on wallet addresses with full spending keys.

1. "datatype"     (integer, required) 
                    Value of 0: Return address, balance, transactions and blockchain info
                    Value of 1: Return address, balance, blockchain info
                    Value of 2: Return transactions and blockchain info
2. "transactiontype"     (integer, optional) 
                    Value of 1: Return all transactions in the last 24 hours
                    Value of 2: Return all transactions in the last 7 days
                    Value of 3: Return all transactions in the last 30 days
                    Other number: Return all transactions in the last 24 hours
3. "transactioncount"     (integer, optional) 


> hush-cli getalldata 0
> curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "getalldata", "params": [0] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'

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