z_listsentbyaddress - Hush 3.10.3 RPC


Returns decrypted Hush outputs sent to a single address.

This function only returns information on addresses sent from wallet addresses with full spending keys.

1. "hushaddress:"            (string, required) 

2. "Minimum Confimations:"   (numeric, optional, default=0) 

3. "Filter Type:"            (numeric, optional, default=0) 
                               Value of 0: Returns all transactions in the wallet
                               Value of 1: Returns the last x days of transactions
                               Value of 2: Returns transactions with confimations less than x

4. "Filter:"                 (numeric, optional, default=999999) 
                               Filter Type equal 0: paramater ignored
                               Filter Type equal 1: number represents the number of days returned
                               Filter Type equal 2: number represents the max confirmations for transaction to be returned

5. "Count:"                 (numeric, optional, default=9999999) 
                               Last n number of transactions returned

Default Parameters:
2. 0 - O confimations required
3. 0 - Returns all transactions
4. 9999999 - Ignored
5. 9999999 - Return the last 9,999,999 transactions.

   "txid":  "transactionid",           (string) The transaction id.
   "coinbase": "coinbase",             (string) Coinbase transaction, true or false
   "category": "category",             (string) orphan (coinbase), immature (coinbase), generate (coinbase), regular
   "blockhash": "hashvalue",           (string) The block hash containing the transaction
   "blockindex": n,                    (numeric) The block index containing the transaction
   "blocktime": n,                     (numeric) The block time in seconds of the block containing the transaction, 0 for unconfirmed transactions
   "expiryheight": n,                  (numeric) The expiry height of the transaction
   "confirmations": n,                 (numeric) The number of confirmations for the transaction
   "time": xxx,                        (numeric) The transaction time in seconds of the transaction
   "size": xxx,                        (numeric) The transaction size
   "walletconflicts": [conflicts],     An array of wallet conflicts
   "sends": {                          A list of outputs of where funds were sent to in the transaction,
                                         only available if the transaction has valid sends (inputs) belonging to the wallet
       "transparentSends": [{              An Array of spends (outputs) for transparent addresses of the receipient
           "address": "hushaddress",         (string) Hush transparent address (t-address)
           "scriptPubKey": "script",         (string) Script for the Hush transparent address (t-address)
           "amount": x.xxxx,                 (numeric) Value of output being sent HUSH, negative for sends
           "vout": : n,                      (numeric) the vout value
       "saplingSends": [{                 An Array of spends (outputs) for sapling addresses
           "address": "hushaddress",         (string) Hush sapling address (z-address) of the receipient
           "amount": x.xxxx,                 (numeric) Value of output being sentHUSH, negative for sends
           "memo": xxxxx,            (string) hexademical string representation of memo field
           "memoStr" : "memo",             (string) Only returned if memo contains valid UTF-8 text.
           "shieldedOutputIndex": n,         (numeric) The index of the ShieledOutput
           "change": true/false              (string) The note is change. This can result from sending funds
                                                        to the same address they came from, or incomplete useage
                                                        resulting in the remainder of the note used being sent back to the
                                                        same z-address.
       "missingSaplingOVK": true/false    (string) True if the sapling outputs are not decryptable

> hush-cli z_listsentbyaddress t1KzZ5n2TPEGYXTZ3WYGL1AYEumEQaRoHaL
> curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "z_listsentbyaddress", "params": [t1KzZ5n2TPEGYXTZ3WYGL1AYEumEQaRoHaL] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'

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