z_shieldcoinbase - Hush 3.10.3 RPC

z_shieldcoinbase "fromaddress" "tozaddress" ( fee ) ( limit )

Shield transparent coinbase funds by sending to a shielded zaddr.  This is an asynchronous operation and utxos
selected for shielding will be locked.  If there is an error, they are unlocked.  The RPC call `listlockunspent`
can be used to return a list of locked utxos.  The number of coinbase utxos selected for shielding can be limited
by the caller.  If the limit parameter is set to zero, as many as will fit will be used.
Any limit is constrained by the consensus rule defining a maximum
transaction size of 200000 bytes.

1. "fromaddress"         (string, required) The address is a taddr or "*" for all taddrs belonging to the wallet.
2. "toaddress"           (string, required) The address is a zaddr.
3. fee                   (numeric, optional, default=0.0001) The fee amount to attach to this transaction.
4. limit                 (numeric, optional, default=50) Limit on the maximum number of utxos to shield.  Set to 0 to use as many as will fit in the transaction.

  "remainingUTXOs": xxx       (numeric) Number of coinbase utxos still available for shielding.
  "remainingValue": xxx       (numeric) Value of coinbase utxos still available for shielding.
  "shieldingUTXOs": xxx        (numeric) Number of coinbase utxos being shielded.
  "shieldingValue": xxx        (numeric) Value of coinbase utxos being shielded.
  "opid": xxx          (string) An operationid to pass to z_getoperationstatus to get the result of the operation.

> hush-cli z_shieldcoinbase "RD6GgnrMpPaTSMn8vai6yiGA7mN4QGPV" "zs14d8tc0hl9q0vg5l28uec5vk6sk34fkj2n8s7jalvw5fxpy6v39yn4s2ga082lymrkjk0x2nqg37"
> curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "z_shieldcoinbase", "params": ["RD6GgnrMpPaTSMn8vai6yiGA7mN4QGPV", "zs14d8tc0hl9q0vg5l28uec5vk6sk34fkj2n8s7jalvw5fxpy6v39yn4s2ga082lymrkjk0x2nqg37"] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'

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